Event Details

Sioux Center Arts is thrilled to present our 2024 summer community musical production: Roger and Hammerstein's beloved classic, "The Sound of Music".  A story of hope in the face of rising horrors, this final collaboration between Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II has become known and loved throughout the world. Maria, a free-spirited postulant, is sent to serve as a governess to seven motherless children. Using patience, kindness, and The Sound of Music, she ultimately wins the hearts of both the children and their father, but the family must soon make the unthinkable choice and flee their homeland.  Featuring a treasure trove of cherished songs, this musical masterpiece promises an unforgettable journey. 


Maria Rainer: Rebecca De Vries

Elsa Schraeder: Cindy Moeller

Captain Georg Von Trapp: Jason Vande Brake

Max Detweiler: David Janssen 

Liesl Von Trapp: Georgia Lodewyk 

Louisa Von Trapp: Anna Koenig (Understudy: Eliza Keller)

Brigitta Von Trapp: Kylee Kurtzleben (Understudy: Eliza Keller)

Marta Von Trapp: Hollis Verwolf

Gretl Von Trapp: Penny Donahue

Friedrich Von Trapp: Nico De Vries

Kurt Von Trapp: Silas Hibma 

Rolf Gruber: Abram Hibma 

Mother Abbess: Josie Herman 

Sister Berthe: Lynne DeJongh

Sister Margaretta: Hope Johnson 

Sister Sophia: Grace Spencer

Franz: Andy Keller 

Frau Schmidt: Donna Muilenburg

Herr Zeller: Dakota Klein 

Baron Elberfeld: Philip Postma

Baroness Elberfeld: Susie Bandstra

A New Postulant: Aubrey Sloan 

Admiral von Schreiber: Andrew Harcum 

Ursula: Elissa O’Dell 

Fraulein Schweiser: Janelle Hultquist 

Trio of the Sangerbund of Herwegen (Festival Contestants): 

Desiree Coulander, Tammy Lief, and Pam Wielenga 


Nun Ensemble: 

Allie Bandstra

Jolene Bandstra

Susie Bandstra

Desiree Coulander

Kirsten Buiter

Lynne DeJongh

Shari De Wild

Esther Diekevers

Elissa O'Dell

Samantha De Weerd

Ariana Greydanus

Rachel Henkle

Heidi Hibma

Janelle Hultquist

Hope Johnson

Tammy Lief

Carolyn Rayhons

Grace Spencer 

Sarah Stoub

Amber Wester

Pam Wielenga

Myriah Wynia 

Melissa Punt


Postulants (Young Nuns):                Soldiers: 

Amanda Beutler                    Jim Bonnecroy

Clara Beutler                    Jonathan Foster

Corrie De Vries                    Jonathan Gingrich

Cora Diekevers                     Caleb Greydanus

Kayla Diekevers                    Rhett Harcum

Sophia Fulkerson                    Gideon Matthews

Eden Hawley                    Josiah Beutler

Sadie Hespe

Eliza Keller 

Aubrey Kuiper

Savannah Lief

Kayci Lodewyk

Calliope Matthews

Eleanor Nykamp

Sevriena Postma

Aubrey Sloan

Cyla Van Roekel

Lydia Beutler